How To Get More Qualified Leads: The "4Q Formula" (Case Study)

This is a strategy that we’re using to get more high-intent leads.

I’ve been in lead generation for 8+ years.

I’ve personally managed 100+ projects specifically in lead generation.

And this is the go-to tactic that we’re using in every single project.

If you have a lead generation in your business and you’re constantly facing a “junk” leads problem, you’re wasting time on people who are not seriously interested in your products/services…

…then this is exactly what you need to implement.

In this article, I’ll show you the exact step-by-step process on a real example that we’re currently working on.

The only thing you have to do is to:

  1. Read the article
  2. Repeat it — adopt it to your project
  3. And keep reading again

Let’s begin.

What is the “4Q Formula”

Before diving into actual creation, let’s talk briefly about the whole strategy behind it.

If you’re doing lead generation in your business you usually have 2 main options for where to send your traffic:

  1. Website or Landing page
  2. Facebook Lead Form

Both of these approaches have their pros and cons.



The quality of leads is high since people who’ve visited your landing page are more familiar with your business and offer.


CPL is quite high, so you’d have to pay more for each single prospect than you would using different approaches.

Facebook Lead Form

This is a Meta Ads tool that allows you to get leads directly on your Facebook, so you don’t have to have any landing page whatsoever.


On the contrary to the website, the CPL is so low that it’s probably the most efficient way to decrease your cost per lead.


The quality of leads is relatively low because prospects have little to no information about your offer (or at least not as deep/detailed as they would if they visited your website). 

What’s even worse, is that sometimes people are clicking that button just accidentally (Facebook prefills certain fields in the opt-in form for them), so you’re facing completely irrelevant leads.

Both of these options are good and we suggest using and testing them since the way you convert your traffic is the main influencer on your overall conversion rate.

However, we’ve figured out that we have one more option for how we can convert our traffic.

Here comes the Quiz.


This is an entertaining approach where your prospects answer several pre-made questions before leaving their contact information.

Based on the tests that we’ve implemented on various projects, we’ve learned the following:

The cost per lead is almost as low as it is in the LeadForm, in the meantime the quality of these leads is almost as high as it is when using a landing page — so this is something that combines positive aspects of both mentioned approaches.

Still, it has a slightly higher CPL than the leadform.

But only slightly.

And what’s even more important.

It’s not about the quizzes, you might have implemented them before. 

It’s about the structure of a quiz.

The devil is in the details.

The copy

The number of questions

The final opt-in form

Whether you’re using pictures, videos or emojis


Every single detail matters. 

So now I’m going to show you the bulletproof concept. 

The way that we are creating our quizzes right now in 100+ different industries to make sure that the balance between CPL and the quality of the leads is optimum

It doesn’t matter what language you speak.

What’s your geographical location.

What’s your target audience's geographical location

What industry you’re working in.

Unless your prospects are robots, but humans then it works.


You don’t have to have a complex sales funnel and design skills to implement it in your business — just keep reading.

Step 1 — The Offer (Lead Magnet)

Note: to create a quiz we are using Marquiz in all of our projects, so all of the following suggestions are explained using this tool (later I’ll explain to you why we’re using specifically this platform). You can test it as well — there’s a free trial available.

I click “Create +” to make a quiz:

4Q Formula - Create a quiz

Here I’d suggest that you hit “Select” so you can repeat my template: 

4Q Formula - Select template

Select a random quiz name (it’s just for you):

4Q Formula - Quiz name

Select “Start Page”:

4Q Formula - Start Page

Now you have 3 different designs. Based on our experiments the “Standard” option works the best:

4Q Formula - Standard Start Page

Before we proceed any further let’s briefly discuss a crucial point that would influence the whole process.

Your Offer.

If you don’t have a strong offer then you’ll not be able to generate quality leads or leads at all even if you did everything correctly.

My main suggestion is that you use a lead magnet.

This is something that your target audience cannot simply resist but everyone else would pass by.


I’m selling Luxury cars.

The perfect lead magnet would be a “catalog of the cars” that I’m selling with the prices.

Key point: lead magnet doesn’t imply that your prospects are going to make a purchase “tomorrow”. This is a simple step BEFORE the actual sale.

An easy no-brainer step that your potential client could make to get to know you better + this is something that they cannot resist.

Lead Magnet focuses on your broad audience. An easy “yes” decision.

Quick tip

Try using something “physical”, for example: 

  • a catalog, 
  • price-list, 
  • brochure, 
  • PDF file.

Something that you can download, and consume yourself at your own pace, without having a phone call from the sales reps.

Now let’s move on and I’ll show you the real example of a lead magnet and a quiz that we’re using in the real-estate project (this is the exact structure, I just changed the brand name).

Let’s assume we’re selling the real estate in Sydney.

The Lead Magnet: A catalog of real estate with prices.

(that’s the number one question that all our prospects are asking us)

Pro Tip:

Try to exclude the “process-like” lead magnets, for instance, a “calculation”. A calculation implies that “someone has to call me, ask me several questions, or even would sell me something — I don’t want to talk to him… yet”. 

The most efficient lead magnet is almost a physical thing that your prospect can consume on their own.

Therefore a good calculation is an explicitly automated one: “You’ll receive an automatic calculation based on your answers”.

To do:

Now come up with a lead magnet for your niche, write it down, and then move to the next paragraph.

Step 2 — The Headline

Now let’s start forming the first screen of our quiz. Particularly we have to create a headline.

In this section I suggest you use the following phrasing:

Answer 4 Questions and Get A Free {your lead magnet}

Our example: Answer 4 Questions and Get A Free Sydney Real Estate Catalog

4Q Formula - Heading

Why 4 questions?

We’ve tested A LOT of quizzes. At least 100+ of them. And all of the tests showed us that 4 questions — is the golden number.

That’s not too many questions that can decrease the conversion rate. And not too few of them so you lose the “hooking” effect.

Your task here is not to get as much information as possible but rather to engage with your audience by creating an “open loop” where they can’t resist but finish the quiz.

Pro Tip:

You can enhance your headline by adding the relevance. 

GOOD: Answer 4 Questions & Get A Free Sydney Real Estate Catalog
BETTER: Answer 4 Questions & Get A Free Sydney Real Estate Catalog (2024)

BEST: Answer 4 Questions & Get A Free Sydney Real Estate Catalog (3rd quarter 2024)

4Q Formula - Heading Pro Tip

This is how you underline that your lead magnet is not outdated so the information is even more valuable.

Side notes:

  • There are only 80 symbols available, so you can make it a little shorter by using the “&” symbol
  • Use the word “Free” since it always helps to increase the conversion rate

Step 3 — The Body Text

This is a text that is used below the headline:

4Q Formula - Start Page Text

I suggest that you use the following structure:

  1. The Incentive to finish the quiz + the Lead Magnet
  2. Additional irresistible info in the form of bullet points (something that your target audience is already constantly asking you)


At the end of the quiz — an ultimate Sydney Real Estate Catalog

  • Prices
  • Layouts
  • Detailed description

4Q Formula - Start Page Text Pro Tip

Pro Tip #1:

Use bullet points, not the usual plain text since it’s an efficient visual “anchor” that catches the glance of your target audience.

Also, your bullet points are the #1 tool, which allows you to “filter out” your prospects — add there the information that is crucial for your qualification process.


In our Real Estate project, we have a minimum price point of $500K. Our leads must afford this price and therefore should “see” it before any further steps.

Here’s the upgraded Body Text:

At the end of the quiz — an ultimate Sydney Real Estate Catalog

  • Prices (from $500K)
  • Layouts
  • Detailed description

NB! We suggest you include this “filter” in your ads as well. 

This will help Facebook (or any other platform) to optimize your ads better: the more non-qualified prospects will notice the price on your ads, the fewer clicks and consequently conversions you will get from them => Facebook will show fewer ads to the ones similar to them. 

As a result, fewer non-qualified leads.

Step 4 — Image/Video

Now let’s proceed to the actual image that we have on our first screen:

4Q Formula - Image and Video

Main suggestion: use a very basic visualization of your industry/niche.

With that being said.

You can enhance your image/video by including something relevant to your GEO location/specificity etc.


In our case of Real Estate in Sydney, we want to show some…

…real estate.

But instead of using something like this:

4Q Formula - Bad Image

We’d choose this one:

4Q Formula - Good Image


Because it includes an instantly recognizable Sydney background.

Pro Tip #1:

The image/video should be basic, however not to EVERYONE, but your target audience.

In our case, we are aiming primarily at foreign customers outside of Australia. But once we were targeting locals we’d probably use the image of a certain district that is pretty familiar to them.

Pro Tip #2:

If you’re using video then still select an image for your mobile version:

4Q Formula - Image Pro Tip

That will eliminate potential awkward situations (like a loading speed) and generally help your total UX/UI which consequently influences positively on the conversion rate.

Step 5 — Additional Elements

Button Text

Despite your niche, we suggest you always use the phrase “Learn More”:

4Q Formula - Button Text

There’s no rocket science behind it. But still, even in Facebook Ads this simple phrase usually outperforms all others.

Logo & Favicon

That helps create a more legitimate image of your business:

4Q Formula - Logo and Favicon

Phone Number

Do NOT fill this field unless it’s crucial for you:

4Q Formula - Phone Number

We don’t want to create any other links/distractions on the first screen.

Pro Tip:

If you still want to use a phone then select “Click to make a call” option. That will allow your users to contact you immediately after clicking.

Company Name or Motto

Suggestion: do NOT write here your company name — you already have it on your logo.

Instead, use this additional space to underline the general description of your industry.


Sydney Real Estate Experts

4Q Formula - Company Name


Again, do NOT fill this field since that would be an additional distraction — we want our visitors to finish a quiz, nothing else.

Legal Company Information

Simply add your legal information here. Just like with a logo and favicon — that will help to make an impression that you can be trusted.

4Q Formula - Legal Company Information

Step 6 — Pro Tip

A little enhancement that has a substantial impact on your conversion rate.

Go to “Add-ons” section on the left side:

4Q Formula - Add-ons

Select “Bonuses”:

4Q Formula - Bonuses

Here we want to add a visualization of our lead magnet and underline again what our prospects would receive at the end.

Bonus #1

We suggest that you choose an emoji of a “Catalog” + {Name of Lead Magnet}:

4Q Formula - Bonus 1

Bonus #2

Select a pre-made “Pricelist” image (it looks and works perfectly) + {additional sweet time relevant information}:

4Q Formula - Bonus 2

Final minor point.

In the “Design” section customize your buttons with your own brand design:

4Q Formula - Custom Design

The rule of 2 thumbs: 

  • Use contrast colors
  • Try using a bright white color of background instead of a black/grey one

Our first screen final version:

4Q Formula - First screen

Step 6 — Questions: Maximize the Conversion Rate

3 main ideas:

  1. We have only 4 questions so you have to use them strategically in the right order: start with the very easy first question and then move to the more “sensitive/intimate” ones
  2. The process should be as smooth as possible so that the user does not have to make any additional efforts therefore we have to create the answers for them as well
  3. Do not overwhelm it, i.e. do not create over 5-6+ answers or create too specific questions

Question #1

The first question is crucial since…

…that’s the first thing they see :)

Therefore not only we have to choose the easiest question and create pre-made replies, but also let’s enhance it with pictures (to make the process more engaging).

Example (using “Choices with images”):

4Q Formula - Choices with images

NB! Again, ideally pictures should be geographically or somehow else connected with your business.

First question final version:

4Q Formula - First question

Step 7 — Questions: The “Filtration”

Key recommendations:

  1. That’s the exact moment where you can pre-qualify your leads, so you can gradually accelerate the friction.
  2. Ask yourself: what questions would you ask your prospects anyway via phone call? What’s crucial to your business? That’s the right time to do it.
  3. To keep the engagement rate high just like in films you have to constantly change the form you’re asking questions: with images, with emojis, with plain text.
  4. Still, eliminate distractions. The most common mistake is to use the “Custom input field” — that’s the conversion killer (try not to use any exotic type of answers sliders/calculators/dates/dragging answers)
  5. Do not use multiple-choice answers. That little thing may seriously cut your conversion since it adds an additional click on the button “Next —>”.
  6. Adapt to people on different sales cycles. Some of them are just in the beginning so they may not be aware of certain details therefore always give them a “runaway” option which is an “I don’t know yet” answer.
  7. If you have A LOT of possible answers, i.e. budget or product names then use ranges or grouping.

Now let me show you a real example of our questions.

Question #2

4Q Formula - Second question example

NB! As you can see the 3rd answer is using grouping to eliminate too many options.

Second question final version:

4Q Formula - Second question

Question #3

4Q Formula - Third question example

NB! Notice that we’ve changed the form of the question the 3rd time in a row (now it’s with emojis).

Third question final version:

4Q Formula - Third question

Question #4

Last but critical one.

Here we ask the most important question for us (be careful not to be too aggressive):

4Q Formula - Fourth question example

Pro Tip:

The second answer is strategically using the phrase “not considering the purchase”, because we know that the prospects could lie/hide real information.

But because that’s the last step and if a person is seriously interested in the lead magnet we can use it to our advantage. 

They probably won’t lie since they may fear that otherwise, they may simply lose it (“What if they don’t send me the results if I answer “NO”?”).

Fourth question final version:

4Q Formula - Fourth question

Step 8 — Lead Form: The Copy

Several suggestions to make it as effective as possible.

Lead Form Heading 

Here’s the copy that fits almost all projects:

Great! Where to send the results?

4Q Formula - Lead Form Heading

This is a short amplifier that underlines that the prospect is about to receive something.

Additional Lead Form Text

Here we have to repeat:

  • What your prospect is about to receive
  • Why it worse to spend time to fulfill this form
  • What would be the next steps

Here’s an example:

4Q Formula - Additional Lead Form Text

NB! You might ask: “It’s written “according to your answers”, but I don’t have that many catalogs”. That’s right but you can still send the same catalog. By saying that you’re creating a feeling of uniqueness that would only positively influence your conversion rate. If you see it works, then definitely it makes sense to create separate catalogs.

Step 9 — Lead Form: The Input Fields & Amplifiers

Key takeaway: the more input fields you have, the lower your conversion rate.

Normally we use only 2 fields, which are “Email” and a “Phone number” (since you can get a “Name” immediately after a call).

NB! Exception: include a Name if you’re going all-in in email marketing (that will help you Open & Click Through Rate).

Pro Tip:

Additionally, you can add messengers to your form:

4Q Formula - Lead Form Messengers

That will give your prospects even more options to easily leave their contact details.


NB! Do not overwhelm, select 2-3 relevant messengers maximum. 


Repeat the main call to action on the button:

Get A Catalog Now


4Q Formula - Lead Form example

Lead Form final version:

4Q Formula - Lead Form

Step 10 — Lead Form: “Thank you” page

This is a message that your prospects will see after submitting the form.

Here we want to thank and explain what’ll happen next (what they can expect) and add a button with the actual link to your lead magnet:

4Q Formula - Thank You Page example

This is how you’re achieving 2 things:

  • fulfill the promises you made before.
  • set the expectation: you’re about to contact them.

That’s it.

And don’t forget to click “Publish”.

Thank you page final version:

4Q Formula - Thank You Page


Thank you for reading — that’s it.

Now simply adopt it to your niche (especially if it’s real-estate-related) and test it against your current landing page. I’m sure that results might impress you :)

Leave the comment below if you have any questions. 

I wish you the best ✌️

Ivan Shumaylov
Growth marketer at Marquiz
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