You have 14 days of free access after registration. Start using the tool right away and generate leads.
After registration, you’ll be offered some easy tasks to do. Build a quiz, set it up and get up to 60 bonus leads to test out our service.
If you reach the limit of leads during your trial or your trial period ends, you should subscribe to one of our paid plans that suits you most.
You should recharge your account when you’ve reached the lead limit on your plan or when your subscription is over. You can find that information in the “Balance” tab in your account. We recommend you add a credit card to your account and set ‘auto payments’ on to avoid service disruptions.
You’ll be notified via email when you have less than 10 leads left on your account and when you are completely out of leads. If you need any assistance, please send a message or email to our tech support.
Yes, you can add a card to your account and activate automatic payments to keep your balance current.
We offer monthly subscription plans. You can choose one that suits you most with as many leads as you need a month.
You can change your subscription plan at any time. When switching between plans, you’ll lose any unused lead credits, and your subscription plan will refresh.
Yes, your balance includes all quizzes and is being used by all of your quizzes.
No, you can make as many quizzes as you want on any subscription plan.
We accept all debit or credit cards and Google Pay.
White Label is an option to hide the “Made by Marquiz” tag. It costs $2/month and can be activated individually on each quiz.
We don’t have an option for advanced payments. You can add a card to your account and set monthly auto payments.
It is not possible. In order not to stop leads coming through our service, add a card to your account and set auto payments.
You can purchase additional one-time credits if you need more leads on a specific month. You can charge up to 20% more additional credits on top of your monthly plan.